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List of Alloys & profiles

List of Alloys & profiles


Rene 41 - Alloy Wire International 1

Rene 41

Rene 41 is an age hardenable nickel base alloy that has very high strength at elevated temperatures, particularly within the range of 650 - 980 °C (1200 - 1800 °F). Required mechanical properties can be tailored by selection of various combinations of cold work and/or heat treatments. Rene 41 also has good oxidation resistance.

Phynox† - Alloy Wire International 2


This Cobalt-Chromium-Nickel alloy gives a combination of high strength, ductility and good mechanical properties and is age hardenable. Phynox† also has excellent fatigue life, corrosion resistance in numerous environments and is non-magnetic. Phynox† often provides the ideal solution whenever high mechanical performance is required under severely corrosive service conditions. Its mechanical strength increases with cold rolling strain, while additional strengthening can be achieved by age hardening at 520°C. It is recommended to use Phynox† where a high resistance to corrosion and / or low relaxation at temperatures up to 380°C (715°F) are required. This alloy is used in medical devices, dental products, surgical implants and orthopedics. Phynox† is also known as Elgiloy, Conichrome and Alloy 3J21.

Haynes˘ 282 - Alloy Wire International 3

Haynes˘ 282

Haynes 282 is a new alloy developed for high temperature structural applications which has excellent creep strength in the temperature range of 650 – 930 °C (1200 – 1700 °F), surpassing that of Waspalloy and Rene 41. Haynes 282 possesses a unique combination of creep strength, thermal stability, weldability and fabricability that is not found in currently available commercial alloys. Its features make it suitable for critical gas turbine applications such as combustors, turbine and exhaust sections, and nozzle components.

Haynes˘ 214 - Alloy Wire International 4

Haynes˘ 214

Haynes 214 is a Nickel-Chromium-Aluminium-Iron alloy which is principally intended for use at temperatures of 955 °C (1750 °F) and above. It exhibits resistance to oxidation that far exceeds virtually all conventional heat resistant wrought alloys at these temperatures, which is attributable to the forming of an Al2O3-type protective oxide scale, which forms in preference to Chromium Oxide scales at such high temperatures. Best suited for high temperature, low stress environments, Haynes 214 is used in the aerospace, automotive, industrial heating and medical industries, as well as for land-based gas turbines. Haynes 214 is also known as Cabot 214 and Hastelloy 214.

Haynes˘ 25 / L605 - Alloy Wire International 5

Haynes˘ 25 / L605

Haynes 25/L605 is a Cobalt-Nickel-Chromium-Tungsten alloy that combines good high temperature strength with good resistance to oxidising environments up to 980°C (1795°F) for long exposures. It also has excellent resistance to sulphidation, and responds extremely well to cold working. Known as the strongest of the formable Cobalt alloys, its widespread use has caused it to be investigated for use over a wide range of conditions, thus making it a well characterised material. Some of the industries Haynes 25/L605 is supplied to include aerospace, power generation, electronics, land-based turbines and medical. Haynes 25/L605 is also known as Udimet L605.

Incoloy® A286 - Alloy Wire International 6

Incoloy® A286

This age hardenable, Iron-Nickel-Chromium alloy is designed for applications requiring high strength and good corrosion resistance at temperatures up to 700°C (1290°F). Incoloy® A286’s strength makes it ideal for various components as part of aircraft and industrial gas turbines. The alloy is also used in the offshore oil and gas industry, and for fastener applications in automotive engine and manifold components that are exposed to high levels of heat and stress. Incoloy® A-286 is also known as Cronifer 1525 Ti, Superimphy 286, Pyromet A286, and Udimet A286.

Inconel® X750 - Alloy Wire International 7

Inconel® X750

Inconel® X750 is a Nickel-Chromium alloy made precipitation hardenable by additions of Aluminium and Titanium, having creep-rupture strength at high temperatures to about 700°C (1290°F). It is widely used for high temperature conditions but is not as strong as Nimonic 90, but Inconel® X750 also holds exceptional properties all the way down to cryogenic temperatures.

Incoloy® 800HT - Alloy Wire International 8

Incoloy® 800HT

This Nickel-Chromium-Iron alloy has the same basic composition as Incoloy 800, but has significantly higher creep rupture strength, resultant from the close control of the carbon, aluminium and titanium contents. It has good strength and excellent resistance to oxidation and carburisation in high temperature atmospheres. It also resists corrosion in many aqueous environments. Incoloy® 800HT is also known as Nicrofer 3220 HP.

Incoloy® 800 - Alloy Wire International 9

Incoloy® 800

This Nickel-Iron-Chromium alloy has good strength and excellent resistance to oxidation and carburisation in high temperature atmospheres. Incoloy® 800 also resists corrosion in many aqueous environments, and has been used in some steam generation plants due to its resistance to stress cracking. Incoloy® 800 is also known as Nicrofer 3220, Nicrimphy 800, and Pyromet 800.

Inconel® 718 - Alloy Wire International 10

Inconel® 718

Nickel-Chromium alloy being precipitation hardenable and having high creep-rupture strength at high temperatures to about 700°C (1290°F). It has higher strength than Inconel® X-750 and better mechanical properties at lower temperatures than Nimonic 90 and Inconel® X-750. Inconel® 718 has exceptional weldability compared to the Nickel-base super alloys hardened by Aluminium and Titanium.

Nimonic® 90 - Alloy Wire International 11

Nimonic® 90

A Nickel-Chromium-Cobalt alloy being precipitation hardenable, having high stress-rupture strength and creep resistance at high temperatures up to about 950°C (1740°F). It is widely used and a well proven alloy in high temperature conditions. Some typical applications for Nimonic® 90 include turbine blades, discs, forgings, ring sections, hot-working tools and other extreme environments. Nimonic® 90 is also known as Superimphy 90, Pyromet 90, and Udimet 90.

Nimonic® 80A - Alloy Wire International 12

Nimonic® 80A

Nimonic® 80A is a Nickel-Chromium alloy which is precipitation hardenable. It has largely been superseded by Nimonic 90 and Inconel X-750, but because of the low Cobalt content, it is still specified for nuclear applications. Nimonic® 80A performs well in applications where high temperature and continuous stress is a significant consideration. Beyond nuclear applications, it is traditionally used in applications such as gas turbines, as well as for exhaust valves in racing engines and spindles and fasteners for the motorsport sector. Nimonic® 80A is also known as Nicrofer 7520 Ti, Pyromet 80A, Superimphy 80A, and Udimet 80A.